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# Installing on OpenBSD
{! backend/installation/otp_vs_from_source_source.include !}
This guide describes the installation and configuration of Pleroma (and the required software to run it) on a single OpenBSD 7.6 server.
For any additional information regarding commands and configuration files mentioned here, check the man pages [online](https://man.openbsd.org/) or directly on your server with the man command.
{! backend/installation/generic_dependencies.include !}
## Installation
### Preparing the system
#### Required software
To install required packages, run the following command:
# pkg_add erlang%26 elixir gmake git postgresql-server postgresql-contrib cmake libmagic libvips
Pleroma requires a reverse proxy, OpenBSD has relayd in base (and is used in this guide) and packages/ports are available for nginx (www/nginx) and apache (www/apache-httpd). Independently of the reverse proxy, [acme-client(1)](https://man.openbsd.org/acme-client) can be used to get a certificate from Let's Encrypt.
#### Optional software
* ImageMagick
* ffmpeg
* exiftool
To install the above:
# pkg_add ImageMagick ffmpeg p5-Image-ExifTool
For more information read [`docs/installation/optional/media_graphics_packages.md`](../installation/optional/media_graphics_packages.md):
### PostgreSQL
Switch to the \_postgresql user and initialize PostgreSQL:
# su _postgresql
$ initdb -D /var/postgresql/data -U postgres --encoding=utf-8 --lc-collate=C
Running PostgreSQL in a different directory than `/var/postgresql/data` requires changing the `daemon_flags` variable in the `/etc/rc.d/postgresql` script.
For security reasons it is recommended to change the authentication method for `local` and `host` connections with the localhost address to `scram-sha-256`.<br>
Do not forget to set a password for the `postgres` user before doing so, otherwise you won't be able to log back in unless you change the authentication method back to `trust`.<br>
Changing the password hashing algorithm is not needed.<br>
For more information [read](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/16/auth-pg-hba-conf.html) the PostgreSQL documentation.
Enable and start the postgresql service:
# rcctl enable postgresql
# rcctl start postgresql
To check that PostgreSQL started properly and didn't fail right after starting, run `# rcctl check postgresql` which should return `postgresql(ok)`.
### Configuring Pleroma
Pleroma will be run by a dedicated \_pleroma user. Before creating it, insert the following lines in `/etc/login.conf`:
This creates a "pleroma" login class and sets higher values than default for datasize and openfiles (see [login.conf(5)](https://man.openbsd.org/login.conf)), this is required to avoid having Pleroma crash some time after starting.
Create the \_pleroma user, assign it the pleroma login class and create its home directory (/home/\_pleroma/):
# useradd -m -L pleroma _pleroma
Switch to the _pleroma user:
# su -l _pleroma
Clone the Pleroma repository:
$ git clone -b stable https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma.git
$ cd pleroma
Pleroma is now installed in /home/\_pleroma/pleroma/. To configure it run:
$ mix deps.get
$ MIX_ENV=prod mix pleroma.instance gen # You will be asked a few questions here.
$ cp config/generated_config.exs config/prod.secret.exs
Note: Answer yes when asked to install Hex and rebar3. This step might take some time as Pleroma gets compiled first.
Create the Pleroma database:
$ psql -U postgres -f config/setup_db.psql
Apply database migrations:
$ MIX_ENV=prod mix ecto.migrate
Note: You will need to run this step again when updating your instance to a newer version with `git pull` or `git checkout tags/NEW_VERSION`.
As \_pleroma in /home/\_pleroma/pleroma, you can now run `MIX_ENV=prod mix phx.server` to start your instance.
In another SSH session or a tmux window, check that it is working properly by running `ftp -MVo -`, you should get json output. Double-check that the *uri* value near the bottom is your instance's domain name and the instance *title* are correct.
### Configuring acme-client
acme-client is used to get SSL/TLS certificates from Let's Encrypt.
Insert the following configuration in `/etc/acme-client.conf` and replace `example.tld` with your domain:
# $OpenBSD: acme-client.conf,v 1.5 2023/05/10 07:34:57 tb Exp $
authority letsencrypt {
api url "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory"
account key "/etc/acme/letsencrypt-privkey.pem"
domain example.tld {
# Adds alternative names to the certificate. Useful when serving media on another domain. Comma or space separated list.
# alternative names { }
domain key "/etc/ssl/private/example.tld.key"
domain certificate "/etc/ssl/example.tld_cert-only.crt"
domain full chain certificate "/etc/ssl/example.tld.crt"
sign with letsencrypt
Check the configuration:
# acme-client -n
### Configuring the Web server
Pleroma supports two Web servers:
* nginx (recommended for most users)
* OpenBSD's httpd and relayd (ONLY for advanced users, media proxy cache is NOT supported and will NOT work properly)
#### nginx
Since nginx is not installed by default, install it by running:
# pkg_add nginx
Add the following to `/etc/nginx/nginx.conf`, within the `server {}` block listening on port 80 and change `server_name`, as follows:
http {
server {
server_name example.tld; # Replace with your domain
location /.well-known/acme-challenge {
rewrite ^/.well-known/acme-challenge/(.*) /$1 break;
root /var/www/acme;
Start the nginx service and acquire certificates:
# rcctl start nginx
# acme-client example.tld
Add certificate auto-renewal by adding acme-client to `/etc/weekly.local`, replace `example.tld` with your domain:
# echo "acme-client example.tld && rcctl reload nginx" >> /etc/weekly.local
OpenBSD's default nginx configuration does not contain an include directive, which is typically used for multiple sites.
Therefore, you will need to first create the required directory as follows:
# mkdir /etc/nginx/sites-available
# mkdir /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
Next add the `include` directive to `/etc/nginx/nginx.conf`, within the `http {}` block, as follows:
http {
server {
include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*;
As root, copy `/home/_pleroma/pleroma/installation/pleroma.nginx` to `/etc/nginx/sites-available/pleroma.nginx`.
Edit default `/etc/nginx/sites-available/pleroma.nginx` settings and replace `example.tld` with your domain:
* Change `ssl_trusted_certificate` to `/etc/ssl/example.tld_cert-only.crt`
* Change `ssl_certificate` to `/etc/ssl/example.tld.crt`
* Change `ssl_certificate_key` to `/etc/ssl/private/example.tld.key`
Symlink the Pleroma configuration to the enabled sites:
# ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/pleroma.nginx /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
Check nginx configuration syntax by running:
# nginx -t
If the configuration is correct, you can now enable and reload the nginx service:
# rcctl enable nginx
# rcctl reload nginx
#### httpd
***Skip this section when using nginx***
httpd will have two functions:
* redirect requests trying to reach the instance over http to the https URL
* get Let's Encrypt certificates, with acme-client
As root, copy `/home/_pleroma/pleroma/installation/openbsd/httpd.conf` to `/etc/httpd.conf`, or modify the existing one.
Edit `/etc/httpd.conf` settings and change:
* `<ipaddr>` with your instance's IPv4 address
* All occurrences of `example.tld` with your instance's domain name
* When using IPv6 also change:
- Uncomment the `ext_inet6="<ip6addr>"` line near the beginning of the file and change `<ip6addr` to your instance's IPv6 address
- Uncomment the line starting with `listen on $ext_inet6` in the `server` block
Check the configuration by running:
# httpd -n
If the configuration is correct, enable and start the `httpd` service:
# rcctl enable httpd
# rcctl start httpd
Acquire certificate:
# acme-client example.tld
#### relayd
***Skip this section when using nginx***
relayd will be used as the reverse proxy sitting in front of pleroma.
As root, copy `/home/_pleroma/pleroma/installation/openbsd/relayd.conf` to `/etc/relayd.conf`, or modify the existing one.
Edit `/etc/relayd.conf` settings and change:
* `<ipaddr>` with your instance's IPv4 address
* All occurrences of `example.tld` with your instance's domain name
* When using IPv6 also change:
- Uncomment the `ext_inet6="<ip6addr>"` line near the beginning of the file and change `<ip6addr>` to your instance's IPv6 address
- Uncomment the line starting with `listen on $ext_inet6` in the `relay wwwtls` block
Check the configuration by running:
# relayd -n
If the configuration is correct, enable and start the `relayd` service:
# rcctl enable relayd
# rcctl start relayd
Add certificate auto-renewal by adding acme-client to `/etc/weekly.local`, replace `example.tld` with your domain:
# echo "acme-client example.tld && rcctl reload relayd" >> /etc/weekly.local
#### (Strongly recommended) serve media on another domain
Refer to the [Hardening your instance](../configuration/hardening.md) document on how to serve media on another domain. We STRONGLY RECOMMEND you to do this to minimize attack vectors.
### Starting pleroma at boot
Copy the startup script and make sure it's executable:
# cp /home/_pleroma/pleroma/installation/openbsd/rc.d/pleroma /etc/rc.d/pleroma
# chmod 555 /etc/rc.d/pleroma
Enable and start the pleroma service:
# rcctl enable pleroma
# rcctl start pleroma
### Create administrative user
If your instance is up and running, you can create your first user with administrative rights with the following commands as the \_pleroma user:
$ cd pleroma
$ MIX_ENV=prod mix pleroma.user new <username> <your@emailaddress> --admin
### Further reading
{! backend/installation/further_reading.include !}
## Questions
Questions about the installation or didn’t it work as it should be, ask in [#pleroma:libera.chat](https://matrix.to/#/#pleroma:libera.chat) via Matrix or **#pleroma** on **libera.chat** via IRC.