2017-02-03 23:08:40 +01:00

115 lines
4.1 KiB

## ----------------------------------------------------------------
## sample-config
## All settings are listed. Non-required options are commented out
## with their default value. Required options are not commented out
## and have placeholder values.
## The file is in TOML-format. See the spec at
## if you have questions about its syntax.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------
## Path to file where the change log is written
#output = ""
## Changes added after the last tag will be listed under this header
#nextheader = "Unreleased"
## Categories to use. 'Misc' is always included for PRs with no category.
## Note that sub projects get their own category based on their 'name'.
## Example: ["Kernel", "Cypher"]
## Example: ["Breaking Changes", "Enhancements", "Bug Fixes"]
categories = ["Breaking changes", "Security fixes", "Added",
"Changed", "Fixed", "Removed", "Deprecated"]
## Settings related to git go in this section
commits_file = "commits.toml"
## Local clone of remote repo (recommend to do `git fetch <UPSTREAM>` first)
#dir = "./"
## Git SHA/tag which will mark the start of the change log Not required
## but highly recommended. You can get a sensible value by doing:
##`git log branch1..branch2 --oneline | tail -n 1`
## That will give you the first commit of branch2, which means you can
## then simply specify "to=upstream/branch2" or something, and
## generate a change log for the entire branch2 history.
#from = ""
## Git SHA/tag/branch/name which will mark the end of the change log.
## If you don't have a specific SHA or version number in mind, you can
## specify something like origin/branch to consider everything up to
## latest known change. (Remember to do `git fetch origin`) first.
#to = "HEAD"
## Only consider tags with the following regex-pattern (java-style, so
## remember your backslashes). A [semantic
## version]( must be available in the first match
## group (first parenthesis). Default is to assume entire tag name is
## a version.
## Example v-prefixed versions: v(.+)
## Example only want the 3.1 versions: (3\\.1\\..+)
tag_pattern = "^v?(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)$"
## Settings related to github go in this section
## It is highly recommended to specify a github token for talking to
## the Github API with. Otherwise you will be subject to heavy
## throttling, daily limits, etc. You can get generate one at
#token = ""
## Set this to true if you with PR authors to be listed in the change
## log along with the PR link.
include_author = true
## Combined to form the url where pull requests are fetched from
## Required
user = "spacecowboy"
repo = "NoNonsense-FilePicker"
## Settings related to github labels go in this section
## A prefix given here is used to exclude PRs which list version(s),
## and none of those versions have this prefix. For example, if a PR
## is tagged with "2.3" and "3.0", and this config gives "3.1" as its
## versionprefix, then that PR is not listed in the change log. By
## default (empty string) PR version tags are ignored.
#version_prefix = ""
## Only PRs with this GH-label will be downloaded and considered for
## inclusion in the change log. You can specify multiple labels as
## well, example: "changelog,kernel" in which case ALL labels must be
## included.
#required = ""
## Only PRs which have at least one GH-label in this list will be
## included in the change log.
#include = []
## Only PRs which have no GH-labels in this list will be included in
## the change log.
#exclude = ["question", "duplicate", "invalid", "wontfix"]
## Set this to true to completely ignore PRs with no label information
## attached.
#exclude_unlabeled = false
## This section can be used to define custom mappings from GH-labels
## to better categories in the change log.
#bug = "Bug fixes"
#enhancement = "Enhancements"
BReakIng = "breaking changes"
security = "security fixes"
addition = "Added"
change = "Changed"
fix = "Fixed"
bug = "Fixed"