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synced 2024-11-04 20:43:51 -05:00
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250 lines
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#include <libretro.h>
#include "DolphinLibretro/Options.h"
namespace Libretro
namespace Options
static std::vector<retro_variable> optionsList;
static std::vector<bool*> dirtyPtrList;
template <typename T>
void Option<T>::Register()
if (!m_options.empty())
m_options = m_name;
for (auto& option : m_list)
if (option.first == m_list.begin()->first)
m_options += std::string(" ") + option.first;
m_options += std::string("|") + option.first;
optionsList.push_back({m_id, m_options.c_str()});
m_dirty = true;
void SetVariables()
if (optionsList.empty())
if (optionsList.back().key)
environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_VARIABLES, (void*)optionsList.data());
void CheckVariables()
bool updated = false;
if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE_UPDATE, &updated) && !updated)
for (bool* ptr : dirtyPtrList)
*ptr = true;
template <typename T>
Option<T>::Option(const char* id, const char* name,
std::initializer_list<std::pair<const char*, T>> list)
: m_id(id), m_name(name), m_list(list.begin(), list.end())
template <typename T>
Option<T>::Option(const char* id, const char* name, std::initializer_list<const char*> list)
: m_id(id), m_name(name)
for (auto option : list)
m_list.push_back({option, (T)m_list.size()});
template <>
Option<std::string>::Option(const char* id, const char* name,
std::initializer_list<const char*> list)
: m_id(id), m_name(name)
for (auto option : list)
m_list.push_back({option, option});
template <>
Option<const char*>::Option(const char* id, const char* name,
std::initializer_list<const char*> list)
: m_id(id), m_name(name)
for (auto option : list)
m_list.push_back({option, option});
template <typename T>
Option<T>::Option(const char* id, const char* name, T first,
std::initializer_list<const char*> list)
: m_id(id), m_name(name)
for (auto option : list)
m_list.push_back({option, first + (int)m_list.size()});
template <typename T>
Option<T>::Option(const char* id, const char* name, T first, int count, int step)
: m_id(id), m_name(name)
for (T i = first; i < first + count; i += step)
m_list.push_back({std::to_string(i), i});
template <>
Option<bool>::Option(const char* id, const char* name, bool initial) : m_id(id), m_name(name)
m_list.push_back({initial ? "enabled" : "disabled", initial});
m_list.push_back({!initial ? "enabled" : "disabled", !initial});
Option<std::string> renderer("dolphin_renderer", "Renderer", {"Hardware", "Software"
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(DEBUGFAST)
, "Null"
Option<int> efbScale("dolphin_efb_scale", "Internal Resolution", 1,
{"x1 (640 x 528)", "x2 (1280 x 1056)", "x3 (1920 x 1584)", "x4 (2560 x 2112)",
"x5 (3200 x 2640)", "x6 (3840 x 3168)"});
Option<bool> Widescreen("dolphin_widescreen", "Widescreen (Wii)", true);
Option<bool> WidescreenHack("dolphin_widescreen_hack", "WideScreen Hack", false);
Option<ShaderCompilationMode> shaderCompilationMode(
"dolphin_shader_compilation_mode", "Shader Compilation Mode",
{{"sync", ShaderCompilationMode::Synchronous},
{"a-sync Skip Rendering", ShaderCompilationMode::AsynchronousSkipRendering},
{"sync UberShaders", ShaderCompilationMode::SynchronousUberShaders},
{"a-sync UberShaders", ShaderCompilationMode::AsynchronousUberShaders}});
Option<bool> waitForShaders("dolphin_wait_for_shaders", "Wait for Shaders before Starting", false);
Option<bool> progressiveScan("dolphin_progressive_scan", "Progressive Scan", true);
Option<bool> pal60("dolphin_pal60", "PAL60", true);
Option<int> antiAliasing("dolphin_anti_aliasing", "Anti-Aliasing",
{"None", "2x MSAA", "4x MSAA", "8x MSAA", "2x SSAA", "4x SSAA", "8x SSAA"});
Option<int> maxAnisotropy("dolphin_max_anisotropy", "Max Anisotropy", {"1x", "2x", "4x", "8x", "16x"});
Option<bool> skipDupeFrames("dolphin_skip_dupe_frames", "Skip Presenting Duplicate Frames", true);
Option<bool> immediatexfb("dolphin_immediate_xfb", "Immediate XFB", false);
Option<bool> efbScaledCopy("dolphin_efb_scaled_copy", "Scaled EFB Copy", true);
Option<bool> forceTextureFiltering("dolphin_force_texture_filtering", "Force Texture Filtering", false);
Option<bool> efbToTexture("dolphin_efb_to_texture", "Store EFB Copies on GPU", true);
Option<int> textureCacheAccuracy("dolphin_texture_cache_accuracy", "Texture Cache Accuracy",
{{"Fast", 128}, {"Middle", 512}, {"Safe", 0}});
Option<bool> gpuTextureDecoding("dolphin_gpu_texture_decoding", "GPU Texture Decoding", false);
Option<bool> fastDepthCalc("dolphin_fast_depth_calculation", "Fast Depth Calculation", true);
Option<bool> bboxEnabled("dolphin_bbox_enabled", "Bounding Box Emulation", false);
Option<bool> efbToVram("dolphin_efb_to_vram", "Disable EFB to VRAM", false);
Option<bool> loadCustomTextures("dolphin_load_custom_textures", "Load Custom Textures", false);
Option<bool> cacheCustomTextures("dolphin_cache_custom_textures", "Prefetch Custom Textures", false);
Option<PowerPC::CPUCore> cpu_core("dolphin_cpu_core", "CPU Core",
#ifdef _M_X86
{"JIT64", PowerPC::CPUCore::JIT64},
#elif _M_ARM_64
{"JITARM64", PowerPC::CPUCore::JITARM64},
{"Interpreter", PowerPC::CPUCore::Interpreter},
{"Cached Interpreter", PowerPC::CPUCore::CachedInterpreter}});
Option<float> cpuClockRate("dolphin_cpu_clock_rate", "CPU Clock Rate",
{{"100%", 1.0},
{"150%", 1.5},
{"200%", 2.0},
{"250%", 2.5},
{"300%", 3.0},
{"5%", 0.05},
{"10%", 0.1},
{"20%", 0.2},
{"30%", 0.3},
{"40%", 0.4},
{"50%", 0.5},
{"60%", 0.6},
{"70%", 0.7},
{"80%", 0.8},
{"90%", 0.9}});
Option<float> EmulationSpeed("dolphin_emulation_speed", "Emulation Speed",
{{"unlimited", 0.0},
{"100%", 1.0}});
Option<bool> fastmem("dolphin_fastmem", "Fastmem", true);
Option<bool> fastDiscSpeed("dolphin_fast_disc_speed", "Speed Up Disc Transfer Rate", false);
Option<int> irMode("dolphin_ir_mode", "Wiimote IR Mode", 1,
{"Right Stick controls pointer (relative)",
"Right Stick controls pointer (absolute)",
"Mouse controls pointer"});
Option<int> irCenter("dolphin_ir_offset", "Wiimote IR Vertical Offset",
{{"10", 10}, {"11", 11}, {"12", 12}, {"13", 13}, {"14", 14}, {"15", 15}, {"16", 16}, {"17", 17}, {"18", 18}, {"19", 19},
{"20", 20}, {"21", 21}, {"22", 22}, {"23", 23}, {"24", 24}, {"25", 25}, {"26", 26}, {"27", 27}, {"28", 28}, {"29", 29},
{"30", 30}, {"31", 31}, {"32", 32}, {"33", 33}, {"34", 34}, {"35", 35}, {"36", 36}, {"37", 37}, {"38", 38}, {"39", 39},
{"40", 40}, {"41", 41}, {"42", 42}, {"43", 43}, {"44", 44}, {"45", 45}, {"46", 46}, {"47", 47}, {"48", 48}, {"49", 49},
{"50", 50}, {"-50", -50}, {"-49", -49}, {"-48", -48}, {"-47", -47}, {"-46", -46}, {"-45", -45}, {"-44", -44}, {"-43", -43},
{"-42", -42}, {"-41", -41}, {"-40", -40}, {"-39", -39}, {"-38", -38}, {"-37", -37}, {"-36", -36}, {"-35", -35}, {"-34", -34},
{"-33", -33}, {"-32", -32}, {"-31", -31}, {"-30", -30}, {"-29", -29}, {"-28", -28}, {"-27", -27}, {"-26", -26}, {"-25", -25},
{"-24", -24}, {"-23", -23}, {"-22", -22}, {"-21", -21}, {"-20", -20}, {"-19", -19}, {"-18", -18}, {"-17", -17}, {"-16", -16},
{"-15", -15}, {"-14", -14}, {"-13", -13}, {"-12", -12}, {"-11", -11}, {"-10", -10}, {"-9", -9}, {"-8", -8}, {"-7", -7},
{"-6", -6}, {"-5", -5}, {"-4", -4}, {"-3", -3}, {"-2", -2}, {"-1", -1}, {"0", 0}, {"1", 1}, {"2", 2}, {"3", 3}, {"4", 4},
{"5", 5}, {"6", 6}, {"7", 7}, {"8", 8}, {"9", 9}});
Option<int> irWidth("dolphin_ir_yaw", "Wiimote IR Total Yaw",
{{"15", 15}, {"16", 16}, {"17", 17}, {"18", 18}, {"19", 19}, {"20", 20}, {"21", 21}, {"22", 22}, {"23", 23}, {"24", 24},
{"25", 25}, {"26", 26}, {"27", 27}, {"28", 28}, {"29", 29}, {"30", 30}, {"31", 31}, {"32", 32}, {"33", 33}, {"34", 34},
{"35", 35}, {"36", 36}, {"37", 37}, {"38", 38}, {"39", 39}, {"40", 40}, {"41", 41}, {"42", 42}, {"43", 43}, {"44", 44},
{"45", 45}, {"46", 46}, {"47", 47}, {"48", 48}, {"49", 49}, {"50", 50}, {"51", 51}, {"52", 52}, {"53", 53}, {"54", 54},
{"55", 55}, {"56", 56}, {"57", 57}, {"58", 58}, {"59", 59}, {"60", 60}, {"61", 61}, {"62", 62}, {"63", 63}, {"64", 64},
{"65", 65}, {"66", 66}, {"67", 67}, {"68", 68}, {"69", 69}, {"70", 70}, {"71", 71}, {"72", 72}, {"73", 73}, {"74", 74},
{"75", 75}, {"76", 76}, {"77", 77}, {"78", 78}, {"79", 79}, {"80", 80}, {"81", 81}, {"82", 82}, {"83", 83}, {"84", 84},
{"85", 85}, {"86", 86}, {"87", 87}, {"88", 88}, {"89", 89}, {"90", 90}, {"91", 91}, {"92", 92}, {"93", 93}, {"94", 94},
{"95", 95}, {"96", 96}, {"97", 97}, {"98", 98}, {"99", 99}, {"100", 100}, {"0", 0}, {"1", 1}, {"2", 2}, {"3", 3},
{"4", 4}, {"5", 5}, {"6", 6}, {"7", 7}, {"8", 8}, {"9", 9}, {"10", 10}, {"11", 11}, {"12", 12}, {"13", 13}, {"14", 14}});
Option<int> irHeight("dolphin_ir_pitch", "Wiimote IR Total Pitch",
{{"15", 15}, {"16", 16}, {"17", 17}, {"18", 18}, {"19", 19}, {"20", 20}, {"21", 21}, {"22", 22}, {"23", 23}, {"24", 24},
{"25", 25}, {"26", 26}, {"27", 27}, {"28", 28}, {"29", 29}, {"30", 30}, {"31", 31}, {"32", 32}, {"33", 33}, {"34", 34},
{"35", 35}, {"36", 36}, {"37", 37}, {"38", 38}, {"39", 39}, {"40", 40}, {"41", 41}, {"42", 42}, {"43", 43}, {"44", 44},
{"45", 45}, {"46", 46}, {"47", 47}, {"48", 48}, {"49", 49}, {"50", 50}, {"51", 51}, {"52", 52}, {"53", 53}, {"54", 54},
{"55", 55}, {"56", 56}, {"57", 57}, {"58", 58}, {"59", 59}, {"60", 60}, {"61", 61}, {"62", 62}, {"63", 63}, {"64", 64},
{"65", 65}, {"66", 66}, {"67", 67}, {"68", 68}, {"69", 69}, {"70", 70}, {"71", 71}, {"72", 72}, {"73", 73}, {"74", 74},
{"75", 75}, {"76", 76}, {"77", 77}, {"78", 78}, {"79", 79}, {"80", 80}, {"81", 81}, {"82", 82}, {"83", 83}, {"84", 84},
{"85", 85}, {"86", 86}, {"87", 87}, {"88", 88}, {"89", 89}, {"90", 90}, {"91", 91}, {"92", 92}, {"93", 93}, {"94", 94},
{"95", 95}, {"96", 96}, {"97", 97}, {"98", 98}, {"99", 99}, {"100", 100}, {"0", 0}, {"1", 1}, {"2", 2}, {"3", 3},
{"4", 4}, {"5", 5}, {"6", 6}, {"7", 7}, {"8", 8}, {"9", 9}, {"10", 10}, {"11", 11}, {"12", 12}, {"13", 13}, {"14", 14}});
Option<bool> enableRumble("dolphin_enable_rumble", "Rumble", true);
Option<u32> sensorBarPosition("dolphin_sensor_bar_position", "Sensor Bar Position",
{"Bottom", "Top"});
Option<bool> WiimoteContinuousScanning("dolphin_wiimote_continuous_scanning", "Wiimote Continuous Scanning", false);
Option<bool> altGCPorts("dolphin_alt_gc_ports_on_wii", "Use ports 5-8 for GameCube controllers in Wii mode", false);
Option<unsigned int> audioMixerRate("dolphin_mixer_rate", "Audio Mixer Rate",
{{"32000", 32000u}, {"48000", 48000u}});
Option<bool> DSPHLE("dolphin_dsp_hle", "DSP HLE", true);
Option<bool> DSPEnableJIT("dolphin_dsp_jit", "DSP Enable JIT", true);
Option<DiscIO::Language> Language("dolphin_language", "Language",
{{"English", DiscIO::Language::English},
{"Japanese", DiscIO::Language::Japanese},
{"German", DiscIO::Language::German},
{"French", DiscIO::Language::French},
{"Spanish", DiscIO::Language::Spanish},
{"Italian", DiscIO::Language::Italian},
{"Dutch", DiscIO::Language::Dutch},
{"Simplified Chinese", DiscIO::Language::SimplifiedChinese},
{"Traditional Chinese", DiscIO::Language::TraditionalChinese},
{"Korean", DiscIO::Language::Korean}});
Option<bool> cheatsEnabled("dolphin_cheats_enabled", "Internal Cheats Enabled", false);
Option<bool> osdEnabled("dolphin_osd_enabled", "OSD Enabled", true);
Option<Common::Log::LOG_LEVELS> logLevel("dolphin_log_level", "Log Level", {
{"Info", Common::Log::LINFO},
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(DEBUGFAST)
{"Debug", Common::Log::LDEBUG},
{"Notice", Common::Log::LNOTICE},
{"Error", Common::Log::LERROR},
{"Warning", Common::Log::LWARNING}});
} // namespace Options
} // namespace Libretro